Silhouette of a person touching their forehead against a sunset backdrop.

The term "Chidakasha," which refers to a sacred inner place where all of the consciousness's gross and subtle activities develop, is derived from the Sanskrit roots "Chit," which means consciousness, and "Akasha," which means space or field. In order to travel from the plane of gross sensory experience to the subtle planes of psychic and pranic energy, practitioners of Chidakasha Meditation use the power of visualisation.

People are guided to access the vast realm of consciousness that lives inside by turning their awareness inward through the practice of Chidakasha Meditation. By means of the ability to visualise, practitioners progressively expand their consciousness beyond the confines of the physical body and into the infinite realm of Chidakasha.

With detached awareness, practitioners watch the flow of thoughts, emotions, and sensations as they immerse themselves in meditation, developing an acute awareness of the subtle subtleties of their inner experience. Through navigating the layers of awareness, practitioners get a deep sense of unity and wholeness as well as insight into how everything is interconnected.

Through a life-changing voyage of introspection and self-discovery, Chidakasha Meditation allows practitioners to access the boundless potential of consciousness and establish a connection with their true selves. A person can awaken to the sacred space inside and experience a great sense of serenity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment by regularly practising Chidakasha.